
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maintain International Score of the Malaysia property rights

The recent release of property International Index (IPRI) showed that the Malaysia retained his status quo for the year 2011. The annual study of comparative of the Washington-based property rights Alliance which produced the report IPRI takes into consideration the strength and the intellectual property rights and countries rank accordingly. In his own words, the "International rights of the property Index helps to illustrates the role property vital rights are generating a material welfare." It should be noted that most property rights is linked to the higher way of life and the economic situation of the country.

There are many factors taken into consideration when it comes to the comparative study. The sources used in the production of this report include:

A. political and legal Sources

Judicial independence - this reflects the issue of whether the country's judicial system is independent of political influence of the members of the Government, citizens or businesses. The source of these data comes from the World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report.
Rule of law - it combines several indicators, including judicial independence, respect for the right in the relationship between the citizen of a country and the administration, property rights, the confidence of the citizen in the police force, the enforceability of contracts, direct financial fraud, order, and it also measures the existence of the rule of law.
Political stability - indicators include perceptions of the extent of the probability of a destabilization of the Government in power, or overthrown by unconstitutional factors which may include severe measures, including domestic violence and terrorism.
Control of Corruption - the source comes from the World Bank Institute - 2010 questions of governance: indicators of governance around the world between 1996 to 2009. It combines several indicators, including if the public power is exercised purposes private, either a small or large form of corruption and "capture" of the State by elites and interests private.

B. physical property rights

Property rights - the source for this comes from the World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report. It is a survey detailing the comment of the participant on property rights in the country, including on financial assets.
Registration of property - it focuses on the number of procedures legally required for the registration properties, and how much time is required to complete the procedures. This indicator is used to measure the standard case of a contractor who wishes to buy land and a building in the largest city of the company. The source for this indicator comes from the Group of the World Bank, Doing Business 2011.
Easy access to loans - Participants to the survey on the Economic Forum Global is sought how easily they are able to obtain a bank loan in their country with only a good business plan and no guarantee.

V. Sources of intellectual property rights

Protection of intellectual property - this survey requires participants to make comments on the protection of intellectual property and anti-counterfeiting measures taken by their countries.
Patent protection - this source indicates the rank of a country with patent which is based on five criteria: coverage, membership of international treaties, the restrictions in international treaties, of the restrictions on the rights of patent, application and duration of protection. The source of this factor is of the Ginarte-Park Index of patent rights.
Level of piracy of copyright - it is based on Special 301 report of the International Intellectual Property Alliance, which had been submitted to the US Trade Representative. The Special 301 is a process of annual examination used in the fight against international copyright piracy.

A fourth consideration of the study includes variables concerning the equality of the sexes, the rights of women in the various countries with respect to rights, facilitated and access to the properties view and credit. The source for this factor comes from the OECD gender, Institutions and the development of base (GID - DB), with 60 indicators related to gender, discrimination using a variety of sources.
Access of women to land ownership
The women's access to bank loans
Access of women to property other than land
Inheritance practices
Social rights of women

Malaysia in IPRI score remains unchanged for 2011. The legal and political factor fell to 0.1 points due to a small drop in political stability and control of Corruption. However, judicial independence and the rule of law, improved significantly. During this time, physical property rights increased slightly due to the property of registration. Copyright piracy has not changed, but improvements to the professional opinions cause the Protection of intellectual property has increased to a gain of 0.1 point in intellectual property rights. Overall, the Malaysia ranked at position 44 everywhere in the world and takes place in the 8th position at the regional level.

The Finland and the Sweden remained at the top with 8.5 points out of 10, and the Finland is in its fifth year being at the top position in the same ranks if its score decreased slightly in the last year, which was 8.6 points. Singapore is the most marking the countries in the region Asia and Oceana with 8.3 points. During this time, Bangladesh is rank the lowest with only 3.6 points. is the No. 1 Property of Penang Portal. It is the best place to begin your search for the Malaysia property , whether you're an investor, the purchase of your own, or seeking to rent., you'll find thousands of Penang apartment and condo for sale and rental with detailed information about each property, including maps and photos.


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